Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Residential Phone Service

Residential Phone Service

Whether you are moving out on your own for the first time, or simply changing residence, you need to worry about where you want to get your residential phone service. It used to be very simple. Ten years ago, you had one choice. You had to get your residential phone service through the local phone company and that was that. Today, you have more options than you may realize.

You can now get your residential phone service through your cable provider. If you have cable Internet, you can get service through your cable company, or through independent companies like Vonage. These services often save you a lot of money on residential phone service, and a lot of the extras are free. Domestic long distance is free, and international rates are usually very low compared to what the phone company may charge you.

To combat this, companies like Verizon are trying to keep their residential phone service customers by offering big savings. They may offer all long distance calls for one low price, or they may offer you a smaller bill. These companies don’t seem to be able to keep up with Internet phone in regards to savings, but they do have one small advantage. When you lose power, Internet phone is no good. You can still use your mobile phone, but your landline phone will be dead.

If you have the option of having your residential phone service through either the phone company or through your cable company, you are suddenly in a very good place. You can call each place to see who will give you the best deal. Because these companies know they are in competition for your money, you may be surprised about what deals are offered to you to get you to sign up. It makes good financial sense to compare, and you don’t have to move to take advantage. You can switch your service any time.

One last thing that phone companies have an advantage in is in communications. They phone companies caller ID system is better, and they have more experience in dealing with phone customers. The caller ID I have on my cable residential phone service is good, but it only gives the number and the state the person is calling from. With the phone company, you will get the callers full name, as long as they person has a listed number. You just have to decide if this is enough to get you to pay more through your phone company, or if you want to save money by getting your residential phone service through your cable company.

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